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Top Tips: How to Travel After Covid

Written by Admin | Dec 3, 2020 4:47:53 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned plans upside-down for many people. If you had international travel or work planned, it was likely canceled, and even domestic plans may have been postponed. However, if you do have to travel during this time, it’s important to be well-prepared and to know how to travel safely after Covid.


Here are 5 top tips on how to travel after Covid:

1. Know the rules

Restrictions and rules vary greatly, even within individual countries and states. For example, if you’re visiting the United States, be aware that the rules in California are likely different from the rules in New York. Similarly, the rules in San Francisco will likely different from those in Los Angeles. Research travel restrictions in your destination. Be aware of safety procedures, such as restaurant openings and the availability of outdoor activities. It’s also important to know what precautions your airline and hotels are taking, and to plan accordingly.


2.  Get tested

No matter where you’re traveling to or from, getting a Covid-19 test before you start your trip is extremely important when it comes to keeping each other safe. If you can, and if you’re staying somewhere for an extended period of time, consider getting a test while you’re on your trip.  And of course, it goes without saying, if you’re feeling ill at all, stay home.


3. Wear a mask

Many cities and countries around the world currently require that masks be worn in public places. Do your research. Know what the mask laws are in your destination. Masks are generally considered to be an essential component of slowing the spread of the virus, so it’s probably best practice to wear one regardless of local requirements.


4. Practice social distancing

In addition to masks, remaining socially distant from others is a key element of how to travel during Covid. Follow local guidelines.  Plan activities that can be done outdoors, far away from other people.


5. Prepare for a different experience

No matter where or why you’re traveling during the pandemic, it’s important to mentally prepare yourself for a different travel experience than you may be used to. In most places, social distancing policies will be in effect, and masks may be required. This might mean you only eat outdoors, or that your hotel has suspended room service, or that local sites and attractions are closed. Do your research! If you do have to travel, keep in mind that health and safety should be your number one priority.


For most people, traveling may not be a safe option for many months to come. Fortunately, many internships, events, and classes have moved online, meaning you may not have to decide how to travel during Covid at all. If you’re not quite ready for traveling or your local government and health agencies have cautioned against it, consider pursuing a virtual alternative! Apply for a remote internship, sign up for an online course, or attend a virtual seminar.



  1. Unsplash 


Why travel abroad when you can apply for a virtual internship program? Apply here.