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9 little-known tips to boost your job search

Written by Admin | Oct 27, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Finding a job isn’t always easy. It takes stamina, grit and industry knowledge. Before you submit your next application, take the following advice into consideration on how millennials can boost their job search.


1. Take stock of your skill set, professional goals and experience

Spend some quality time with yourself in order to develop a clear vision of the kind of work you want to do. Think about where you want to work, what experience you have behind you and which skills you bring to the table in a professional environment. Ask former coworkers, bosses, friends and even teachers for feedback to try and get a clearer picture of what you have to offer.


2. Make human connections wherever you’re applying

Sticking to online applications only will make your job search last an eternity. Make contacts at the firms that you’re most interested in working at.


3. Your resume should never stay the same

Before applying to any position, it’s important to read the full job description and expectations. Then look at your resume and see how it could be tweaked in order to be more relevant to the available position.


4. Don’t be afraid to show a little personality

In the interview process, the most important thing is to be professional and convince the hiring manager why you would be a great fit. At the same time, you want to show who you are throughout this process and demonstrate social skills, a good attitude and some humanity. Coming off too stiff, even if you’re answering questions “correctly” could ruin your job chances.


5. Handwritten thank you notes are golden

The minute you get home from your interview, get your thank you note sent through the mail right away. It’s a thoughtful and surprisingly unique gesture that will add a little something extra to how you are remembered as a candidate.


6. Learn how to tell professional stories well

Whether it’s part of your elevator pitch, networking strategy or interview process, it’s important to know how to tell stories that relate to your professional experience and soft skills. Each of your stories should have some entertainment value while showing you in a positive light.


7. Talk to someone in your field with your dream career

Approach potential mentors through email or at networking events. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and explain your situation and see if they would be open to grabbing a coffee. Try to frame these questions in a way that is respectful and also shows how a professional relationship would benefit them as well.


8. Make weekly job-seeking goals and commit to them

Staying motivated can be one of the biggest challenges when you’re on the job search. Applying to positions without much luck can become tiring and a little depressing. That’s why it’s important to set weekly job search goals, like sending out a certain number of applications per week, to keep yourself strong and committed.


9. Create a LinkedIn profile

Having a thorough LinkedIn profile enhances your visibility as a professional in the job market. Many employers use LinkedIn to recruit, so it’s very important to have a profile that is professional, detailed, clear and updated.



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Sources: https://www.themuse.com/advice/6-job-search-tips-that-are-so-basic-people-forget-them, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/02/27/10-unconventional-but-very-effective-tips-for-job-seekers/2/#2d4fe87a4017, https://www.livecareer.com/quintessential/15-job-hunting-tips


1. based on Businessmen shaking hands, by reynermedia, CC-by-2.0

2. based on Interview, by Alan Cleaver, CC-by-2.0

3. based on Career Fair at College of DuPage 2014 14, by COD Newsroom, CC-by-2.0