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7 reasons an internship abroad will cure your post-grad malaise

Written by Admin | Oct 6, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Hey grads. No, not the tiny percentage of you who landed your dream job after college, just finished your first marathon, are ready to propose to your high school sweetheart and get a mortgage. This is for the rest of you. Those of you with your parents’ hopes and dreams weighing on your backs while your bank account total is in double digits. I know what some of you are thinking. 4+ years of busting my butt for this? Debt, a degree and no place to call home besides the childhood bedroom my parents turned into the dog’s office? Trust me, you’re not alone. Most graduates are a little unenthusiastic by the lack of opportunities and general blah of “the real world”.

But guess what? There’s something you can do that will not only reinvigorate your excitement for the big, wondrous world around you, but will also make you a more polished, experienced professional, ready to get hired: an internship abroad.



Why do an internship abroad?


1. You’ll gain professional experience

If you’re stressed about figuring out what exactly to do with your life, a little international professional experience can only help. Not only will you learn about the industry of your choice, but you can further develop your interests and expertise while growing your professional network abroad.


2. It will offer you a fresh perspective on the world

Finding a new way to see the world around you will help ease the transition into adulthood and will also spark further interest in all the learning and experiences ahead of you. It’s important to understand just how much the world has to offer, professionally and culturally, and the various pathways open to you.


3. You’ll meet fellow young professionals

Camaraderie is a powerful feeling. During your internship abroad, you’ll be able to meet people at a similar stage of life, all trying to jump-start their career and figure out what’s next. Exploring with young professionals from all over the world means establishing an international community you can always go and visit.


4. Adventure

After slogging through your degree, it’s time to experience a little bit of life beyond the classroom. Throwing yourself into an exciting, international experience will be the wind under your wings that can lift you up and carry you to new heights. It’s time to get in touch with your sense of wonder and wander and live a little.


5. You’ll get some life experience behind you

Gaining some experience outside the classroom is essential to personal and professional growth. You see how things actually work in an office and in another country, without an essay due at the end. Life experience also helps you to figure out your priorities and understand what you want out of the dreaded “real world”.


6. It’s an opportunity to travel you don’t have to feel guilty about

After supporting you through your degree, it’s hard to to tell your parents, “Peace! I’m going to go see the world now. I’ll worry about my career later”. An internship abroad allows you to travel, immerse yourself in another culture but also enrich your professional prospects at the same time.


7. It’s the ultimate resume builder

An international internship is a great addition to the resume, so you can feel good about looking for a job once you’re back home. Interning abroad is the kind of experience that grabs a potential employer’s attention when they are going through a tediously long list of resumes.


Apply now to cure your post-grad malaise and boost your career!



Photo 1. based on day 017., by Holly Lay, CC-by-2.0

Photo 2. based on Nervous, by i.gunawan, CC-by-2.0

Photo 3. by Elizabeth Trovall