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21 reasons to take the leap and go abroad

Written by Admin | Jun 20, 2017 12:00:00 AM
Read up on these 21 reasons to travel abroad and get inspired to take the leap and pursue an internship abroad. There’s never been a better time to earn that vital global perspective and feed your soul with a life-changing cultural immersion experience in a leading city abroad.


1. It’s empowering


2. You’ll learn about the world beyond your borders


3. Oh, the stories you will tell!


4. You’ll make incredible international friends from all over the world


5. What you learned in history class will suddenly become more relevant


6. Living out of a suitcase is good life experience #minimalism


7. Hearing new languages is a good reminder of the world’s stunning diversity


8. Exploring a new city means hundreds of adventures are at your feet


9. You can try all types of new foods and cuisines


10. Your Instagram account will be blowing up



11. If you learn a new language, you’re expanding your brain’s capacity


12. Living outside your comfort zone will make you a stronger and more adaptable person


13. You’ll discover new bands and music from around the world


14. Your resume is going to look incredible after all that professional experience abroad


15. You can pick up on the latest fashion trends abroad and impress your friends back home


16. Once you’ve lived abroad, it’s easier to make international friends back home



17. You’ll become more independent


18. You never know what’s going to happen next or what the day will bring


19. International travel will become easier so you’ll be more likely to go abroad in the future




20. You’ll come back home a different person with a fresh perspective on your culture and where you’re from




21. For the rest of your life, you’ll have a home away from home


Apply now to boost your career abroad.


Sources: Giphy

Photo 1. based on jumping, by Abulic Monkey, CC-by-2.0