As a student coming up on graduation, it can be difficult to know your plans. Graduation is a momentous event, and deciding which path to follow next is equally important. However, no matter your degree, one of the best things you can do as a recent graduate is get out of your comfort zone by pursuing new experiences. If you go abroad after graduation, you’ll gain a new perspective, challenge yourself, expand your skill set, and meet new people.
Additionally, interning abroad and living in another culture is very attractive to potential employers. International experience shows future employers that you’re adaptable, independent, and have the ability to think globally, which is especially important as organizations and businesses look to expand abroad. If you’re looking for a way to make yourself stand out, here are the top 5 reasons to go abroad after graduation.
As a recent graduate, you’ve likely spent the last four years in a classroom. While you’ve been gaining lots of soft, transferable skills, you might not have had a chance to put them to the test. When you’re looking for a job and speaking to potential employers, they’ll want to see that you have not only learned these skills but have had the chance to apply them in a professional setting, so you can hit the ground running when you start your career. An internship is a great bridge between university and the full-time workplace to hone and expand on your existing skills.
Networking is one of the most important things a young professional can do. A strong professional network will take you far and will help you when you’re looking to land a job in the future. As an intern abroad, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and network with professionals from around the world. You could potentially find a mentor and immense learning opportunities through these valuable networks and even gain a job or project through these connections once you've proved your mettle!
When you intern abroad, you’ll have an incredible opportunity to travel and experience new cultures. Travel can be difficult when you’re a full-time student and equally so when you’re a full-time employee. However, the perfect time to see the world is right after graduation. As an intern abroad, you can choose from many destinations. Living in a new destination is a more in-depth and immersive experience than merely being a tourist and will give you experiences and skills that will impress any future employer.
Developing a global mindset is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a professional. After living and interning abroad, you’ll be more open-minded, entrepreneurial, and adaptable. Getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to broaden your mindset, and make yourself a better global professional who can work from any location.
Of course, one of the top reasons to go abroad after graduation is the impact it will have on your CV. If you’re looking to make yourself competitive, it’s essential to have hands-on experience before applying for your dream job. Interning abroad is a great way to strengthen your CV, by adding practical, real-world experience to complement your degree.
All photos courtesy of The Intern Group