One of the most challenging things to do in life is to learn a foreign language, but there are numerous benefits to reap from investing in speaking a second or third language. Next time you’re considering whether or not to prioritize language learning, think about what’s at stake. As the world becomes increasingly globalized and international travel becomes more accessible, speaking more than one language can present you with multitudes of personal and professional opportunities.
Here are some of our favorite benefits of learning a foreign language:
1. You’ll widen your circle.
One of the most obvious and immediate benefits of learning a foreign language is that you can communicate with people who you couldn’t have spoken to before. Learning languages opens up the opportunity to talk to millions of new people, which comes with personal and professional benefits. Expanding your network of friends means having a more diverse, international group of people in your life and access to a wider array of opportunities through these connections, from having a sofa to sleep on when you travel to being recommended for a job!
2. More job opportunities.
Knowing a second language puts you at an advantage in the global economy and makes you a more valuable professional in many different fields. Understanding the local language in an emerging market, for example, can lead to a position on an international expansion team. It also means you can work abroad and explore more of the world!
3. You’ll think differently.
The cognitive benefits of learning a second language should be reason enough to start learning your next language today - it's a complete mental workout that boosts brain function. People who learn foreign languages are proven to be better at math, decision-making, listening, focusing, and prioritizing and they’re more creative. Polyglots are also at a lower risk of experiencing dementia.

4. An improved capacity to learn more languages.
Once you’ve invested in learning one foreign language, it becomes easier and more enticing to learn another. It’s proven that bilinguals are able to learn a new language with more ease than monolinguals, thanks to improved brain elasticity. It especially helps if you’re trying to pick up a language with similar roots – if you’ve mastered Spanish, for example, learning French or Portuguese becomes easier because of the similarities among the languages.
5. Access to media and literature in its original language.
Reading a translated text or watching a movie with subtitles isn’t the same as experiencing the work in its original language. Knowing a second language gives you access to a long list of new music, television, theatre, and literature that will lead to new insights and perspectives on the world around us. It's the perfect way to make you feel more cultured!
6. Connecting with another culture on a deeper level.
Knowing the local language is the best way to connect with a new culture. If you’re able to talk to the local people in their language, they’re likely to trust you and open up more – and you’ll understand more. Just hearing and understanding how people communicate with each other, and the words they use is an amazing way to learn more deeply about a different culture and expand your worldview.
7. You can travel more easily around the world.
The more languages you know, the more easily you can communicate with others when traveling the world. Knowing the local language when you’re traveling in a foreign country makes the experience go more smoothly as you’re able to communicate and ask questions more clearly. You also will pick up more information about where you are, being able to read signs, and menus and understand instructions and advice. It will make you feel like a local!
Apply now for an international internship and begin to reap the benefits of learning a foreign language!