Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at The Intern Group

At The Intern Group, we are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for our interns, staff, and partner companies. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are ingrained in our core values and people are the most important aspect of our business.



  • We actively recruit interns and staff from a wide range of backgrounds, nationalities, cultures, abilities, and experiences.

  • We strive to create a work environment that celebrates and embraces these differences and we value the unique experiences and perspectives that each individual brings to The Intern Group.

  • We partner with companies in diverse locations and industries to offer a rich variety of internship opportunities.



  • We provide equal opportunities for all interns and staff to succeed, regardless of background.

  • We encourage our partner host organizations to offer compensation, though this cannot be guaranteed. 

  • We offer training, resources, and support to all our staff and participants.

  • We strive to lower barriers that may prevent individuals from participating in our programs.



  • We cultivate a culture of respect and belonging for everyone.

  • We encourage open communication and value the unique perspectives of all our stakeholders.

  • We provide ongoing training and resources to promote understanding and collaboration.

  • We work in collaboration with applicants, universities, and host organizations to foster an inclusive work environment.


Our Commitment:

We believe that DE&I is not just a goal, but an ongoing process. We are committed to continually evaluating and improving our practices to ensure an inclusive experience for all.

By fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, The Intern Group empowers individuals, strengthens our network, and prepares a generation of global citizens ready to make a positive impact on the world.