Program Terms & Conditions

1. Our agreement

Our correspondence address is Grove House, 2 Woodberry Grove, London, N12 0DR. We suggest you contact us by email: INFO@THEINTERNGROUP.COM

Your contract for in-person internship programs outside the UK will be with The Intern Group Limited, Company number 07891350, of Grove House, 2 Woodberry Grove, London, N12 0DR (“The Intern Group”, “we”, “us” or “our”). Your contract for our remote internship program, and for our London internship program, will be with our subsidiary Intern Hong Kong Limited, Company number 1918631, Hong Kong.

By submitting an application or otherwise engaging with us (by any means including web, email, or social media), you represent and warrant that you have sufficient legal capacity to enter into this agreement or, if you lack such capacity (for instance, if you are a minor), that you have obtained consent from your parent or guardian to do so.

References to “you”, “your” and “their” means the person named on the application form (the “Participant”), and if applicable, to the consenting parent or guardian.

These terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy and your completed application form, form the basis of your contract with us (the “Agreement”) and you represent and warrant that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Agreement prior to booking a Program with us. Your Agreement with us shall come into effect when we receive your deposit and confirm your program to you in writing.


2. Definitions within this Agreement

Applicable Laws means all applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes from time to time in force.

Commencement Date means the start date, as agreed with you, that your Program shall begin with the Host Organization.

Host Organization means the organization with which your internship shall take place.

Initial Deposit means the portion of the Program Fee that is required to be paid by you (or the university, agency or other organization on your behalf) within two weeks of booking your Program.

Lifetime Credit means a credit for the value of your original Program, or part thereof, that is issued at our discretion and which can be used against a future Program, with our agreement.

Placement Deadline means 21 days prior to your Commencement Date for on-site internships and 7 days prior to your Commencement Date for virtual internships.

Preference Area means your first and second choice of career field.

Program(s) means any program booked with us, in accordance with clause 3.

Program Fee means the total fee charged by us for your Program, payable by you to us in accordance with clause 4.

3. Our Programs

3.1  The components of your Program may include some or all of the following: an internship placement, accommodation, airport transfer, and/or other services and activities, depending on the type of Program that you have enrolled in.

3.2  Where an internship placement is provided:

(i)  We shall provide preparation and interviews with one or more Host Organizations resulting in an internship in your Preference Area with a Host Organization, for the term of your Program.

(ii) The internship may be an on-site internship conducted in person at the workplace(s) of the Host Organization, or a virtual internship conducted online via the internet, depending on the type of program that you enrolled in. Note, in an on-site or in-person internship, the Host Organization may ask you to perform your internship remotely (online) for part of the time, instead of in their office or workplace.

3.3  Where accommodation (housing) is included, we shall provide the following elements for the term of your Program:

(i) furnished accommodation that shall include :

  • a bed in your bedroom;

  • space for storing clothes in your bedroom;

  • facilities for cooking and for the hygienic storage of food (these facilities may be limited in our Bangkok program – please inquire for details);

  • adequate bathroom, toilet and shower facilities (may be shared);

  • bed sheets;

  • the provision of Wifi, gas, electricity and water, which we shall pay for;

(ii) In the event that you wish to stay in the accommodation for an extended period of time, either before or after your Program, this may be possible to arrange for an additional cost – however, we cannot guarantee this and, if we are able to facilitate this, the cost of the accommodation during the extended period of time will be your responsibility;

(iii) Guest policies are at the discretion of the accommodation provider. In the event that guests stay in your accommodation without consent from the accommodation provider, you may be required to leave the provided accommodation within two days of being informed to do so by us. In this event, we shall not be liable for any refunds, compensation, damage, loss, or expense incurred by you as a result.

(iv)  A security deposit may be required by the accommodation providers in some destinations. This may be requested pre-arrival or at check-in to the accommodation, and will be fully reimbursed at the end of your Program if there is no damage to your accommodation. If you are eligible to receive a refund of your accommodation deposit, it is your responsibility to collect it. We will not be held responsible or liable if you leave without collecting your deposit, and we will not cover any fees associated with returning the deposit to you via bank transfer.

(v) Participants requesting shared accommodation options will be sharing with one or more roommates throughout the duration of their Program

3.4  Where an airport transfer is booked, we shall provide a transfer from the closest international airport to your accommodation upon your arrival, at a time agreed between us prior to your commencement of the Program.

3.5  Other services and activities may include any or none of the following, depending on the type of Program that you enrolled in and any additional options you may have chosen:

(i)  in the case of in-person international programs (not remote/virtual), assistance in obtaining any necessary visa, in cooperation with a third party provider when necessary, subject to clauses 5.3, 7 and 9;

(ii)  details of whom to contact in case of any difficulties experienced in the destination and to facilitate emergency support if necessary;

(iii)  an induction and welcome talk at the start of your Program;

(iv)  information and resources to enhance your professional development, such as DISC Assessment, seminars, career advancement training, access to the keynote speakers series, or a session with a professional career coach;

(v)  cultural experiences and social activities, for you and the other participants;

(vi)  academic credit support, for purposes of which we may contact your educational institution;

(vii)  mental health support resources;

(viii)  language classes;

(ix)  a certificate of completion.

3.6  We reserve the right to change our Host Organizations and/or the elements of our Programs at any time, however we will make reasonable endeavors to provide as similar a Program as possible to that which you have booked. For the avoidance of doubt, any change shall not entitle you to cancel the Program you have booked with us, or to a refund of any amount that you have paid to us.


4. Deposits & Program Fees

4.1 When you book a Program with us, you (or the university, agency or other organization, on your behalf) will be required to pay an Initial Deposit within two weeks of booking in order to confirm your participation.

4.2 If applicable, your Initial Deposit and subsequent payment(s) will be converted to the local currency of the Program, and credited towards your Program Fee at the market rate as of the date we receive your payment.

4.3 You must pay at least 50% of your outstanding balance within 30 days after we have received your Initial Deposit. The remaining balance shall be due within 21 days from us confirming your internship role with the Host Organization. In any event, the entire Program Fee must be paid in full before the Commencement Date.

4.4 Subject to clause 4.3, in the event that you fail to pay the outstanding balance due to us, your Program will be deemed as being canceled by you (including, without limitation, any airport transfers and/or accommodation) and any payments that you have made to us will be converted to a Lifetime Credit.

4.5 In the event that you do not pay the Program Fee by the date communicated to you via email and/or as set out on our website, we reserve the right to charge a late payment fee equal to 2.5% above the Bank of England base rate on the outstanding balance due, effective from the day after the payment due date and for the duration of the period that the amount remains unpaid. The late payment fee shall be added to the invoice that shall be sent to you by email.

4.6 For programs in some countries, you may be required to make earlier payments in order to secure accommodation and/or a specific room basis (e.g. private room). In this event, you will be advised at the time of booking your Program with us. Any applicable supplemental costs will be notified to you in writing (via email) at least 30 days before your Commencement Date and will be payable in accordance with clauses 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.

4.7 You are responsible for paying all and any charges imposed by third parties including, without limitation, PayPal fees, foreign transaction fees and wire transfer fees. If you underpay any amounts due to us as a result of such charges, any shortfall shall be payable by you at the time of paying any remaining balances to us.

4.8 Some Participants may be eligible for a discounted Program Fee – for example, students enrolled in a university with whom we have a formal relationship. If a Participant is eligible for more than one discount, then we reserve the right to determine how the discounts may be applied, if at all.


4.9 If you apply for our program and are requested to submit a $30 application fee (this applies to certain jurisdictions), you will receive a refund of this fee if your application is unsuccessful. If you decide to not advance with the program (for any reason it may be), the fee will not be refunded.


5. Program cancellations, changes, credits, and refunds

If you cancel your Program

5.1 If you wish to withdraw from the Program more than 21 days prior to your Commencement Date, you must notify us in writing. In this event, a refund will not be provided, but any money that you have paid to us in respect to your Program shall be converted into a Lifetime Credit. If you withdraw less than 21 days before your Commencement Date, or during your Program, you will forfeit the Initial Deposit and the total Program Fee.

If we cancel your Program

5.2 If we are unable to secure you an offer for an internship by the Placement Deadline in one of your Preference Areas, you will be given the option of either: (i) requesting that we continue to search for an internship for you until you receive an offer (which may result in a later Commencement Date). In the event that we are unable to secure you an offer of an internship, you will receive a refund of all money that you have paid to us; or (ii) canceling your Program with us and receiving a refund of all money that you have paid to us.

5.3 We may also cancel your Program in the event that you: (i) do not use best endeavors to fully cooperate with us in finding you a suitable internship by your Placement Deadline, in accordance with clause 9; and/or (ii) are dishonest in any way during the Program application process including, without limitation, fabricating, altering, or misrepresenting any academic transcripts, test scores, academic standing, statements made on visa applications, or any other written or oral statement you may make in the process of applying for the Program, a visa, or any internship role of whatever kind; and/or (iii) commit an offence and/or break any Applicable Law and/or not comply with the Host Organization and/or Program rules (e.g. acts of ‘gross misconduct’). Subject to this clause 5.3, we reserve the right to retain any payments made to us by you in respect to your Program and we shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or other expense incurred by you – or be liable to pay any compensation.

If you change your Program

5.4 If you request to change the destination or Commencement Date of your Program more than 60 days prior to your Commencement Date, no change fee will be charged. If you request to change the destination or Commencement Date of your Program 60 days or less prior to your Commencement Date a change fee of up to a maximum of one third of your total Program Fee may be charged. This change fee represents a true indication of the costs incurred by us in arranging the Program change.

5.5 If you request to change your Program after the Commencement Date, you will be liable for any difference in Program Fee, in addition to an administration fee of $100 USD (or equivalent in other currency, subject to clause 4.2). Any such Program changes or extensions are made at our sole discretion and cannot be guaranteed.

If we change your Program

5.6 If, for whatever reason (including for reasons of Force Majeure as set out in clause 10), we have to suspend a Program prior to your Commencement Date, we will issue you with a Lifetime Credit for the full value of all payments that we have received from you in respect to your Program. Subject to this clause 5.6, we will not be liable for any other loss, damage, cost or other expense incurred by you – or be liable to pay any compensation or refunds – in relation to the suspended Program such as, without limitation, any flights booked by you or by another person on your behalf. Please ensure that you take out adequate travel insurance to cover such risks, in accordance with clause 14.

5.7 In the event that you are refused an appropriate visa or suitable alternative by any destination authority(ies), we will offer you an alternative Program, where we are able to do so. In the event that we cannot offer you an alternative Program, you will receive a Lifetime Credit, pursuant to clause 5.6 above. The Lifetime Credit will be subject to (i) you having filled out all and any visa forms correctly; and (ii) you having completed all steps in the required visa process correctly and on time.  We will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or other expense incurred by you – or be liable to pay any compensation or refunds – in relation to any refused visa (or suitable alternative) resulting in a delayed or canceled Program.

5.8 Pursuant to clauses 5.6 and 5.7 above, any Lifetime Credit shall only be  transferable in the event that (i) we have to suspend your Program; and/or (ii) you are refused a visa or suitable alternative; and can be transferred to a friend or family member, upon notifying us in writing, by email,  during or before the friend or family member’s admissions interview. A Lifetime Credit has no cash value and cannot be redeemed or exchanged for cash or any other means of compensation with another individual without the prior approval of The Intern Group.

5.9 Pursuant to this clause 5 and, in the event that we make any refunds to you: (i) We will not deduct any processing fees or service charge from any refunds we pay to you, however, your bank or other financial intermediaries may levy fees or charges. We have no control over such fees or charges and cannot cover or reimburse any such fees or charges to you; (ii) any refund due under these terms and conditions must be requested within six months of the Commencement Date. After this date, any refunds will be made at our sole and absolute discretion; (iii) we will use reasonable endeavors to process refunds within 21 working days.


6. Website & Promotional Material

6.1  The content and information displayed on our website and other promotional material is/was believed to be valid and correct at the time of publication and we shall not be liable in the event of any errors. Prices are subject to change without notice and, unless we have entered into an Agreement with you, we reserve the right to amend our prices at any time.


7. Our Liability

7.1 The Program that we have agreed to provide as part of our Agreement with you shall be provided with reasonable skill and care.

7.2 We will not be responsible or liable for any injury, illness, death, loss (for example loss of possessions or loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any nature or description whatsoever which results from:

(i) the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected; and/or

(ii) the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the Host Organization and/or accommodation provider;

(iii) the act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party not connected with the provision of your Program; and/or

(iv) unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances (e.g. an event of Force Majeure).

7.3 We cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part of our Agreement with you. This includes, without limitation any additional services or facilities which your accommodation or any other supplier agrees to provide for you, where the services or facilities are not confirmed as forming part of your Program and we have not agreed to arrange them as part of our Agreement with you. This also includes any relationship you may have with your Host Organization after or outside of your Program, notwithstanding any “hiring bonus” rebate which we may mention or pay to you.

7.4 The Program that we have agreed to provide as part of our Agreement with you – and the Applicable Laws and standards of the country in which your claim or complaint occurred – will be used as the basis for deciding whether the Program or part thereof had been properly provided. If the Program or part thereof which gave rise to the claim or complaint was provided in compliance with the Applicable Laws and standards, the Program or part thereof will be treated as having been properly provided. This will be the case even if the Program or part thereof did not comply with the Applicable Laws and standards of the UK which would have applied had the Program or part thereof been provided in the UK.

7.5 For all claims which do not involve death or personal injury, if we are found liable to you on any basis, the maximum amount we will have to pay you is the total Program Fee unless a lower limitation applies to your claim under clause 7.6 below. This maximum amount will only be payable if you have not received any benefit at all from your Program.

7.6 We are to be regarded as having all benefit of any limitation of compensation contained in these terms and conditions or any other applicable convention(s). We cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss, expense or other sum(s) of any description which did not result from any breach of our Agreement with you or other fault by ourselves or our employees or, where we are responsible for them, our Host Organizations or other providers/suppliers. Additionally we cannot accept liability for any claims, losses or expenses which relate to any other business (including any loss of earnings incurred by you).

7.7  We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for loss of or damage to your passport, travel documents, or any other personal property at any time.

7.8 We cannot be held responsible for any complaints arising from any interpersonal issues you may experience including, without limitation, relations with other inhabitants of your accommodation, relations with any neighbors and/or relations with other colleagues and/or managers in the Host Organization.

7.9 We cannot be held responsible for the scope, content or volume of activities or tasks that you may be required to undertake as part of your Program with the Host Organization. You should discuss any concerns in this regard with us, in the first instance, and we will endeavor to resolve the issue accordingly.

7.10 Your Program and any internship provided (whether on-site or virtual) is not an offer of employment and you will not be an employee or worker of The Intern Group or any company (including, without limitation, a Host Organization) in which you are placed for an internship. The Intern Group does not guarantee any offer of employment at the end of an internship (or as a result of the internship) but, in the event that a permanent or fixed term employment offer is made to the Participant, that offer and the terms of any subsequent employment are solely between the Participant and the company/Host Organization, and The Intern Group has no control or input into this. The Intern Group is acting solely in the capacity of a service provider in the arranging of the internship for the Participant.


8. Physical & Mental Health

8.1 Both you and we accept our obligations to comply with any official legislation from governments or local authorities, in any country or jurisdiction in relation to health and safety including but not limited to Covid-19. You also acknowledge that the suppliers involved in your Program, including accommodation providers and Host Organizations, will need to comply with national and/or local health and safety legislation and requirements.

8.2 Mental Health:

We recognize the importance of mental well-being and understand that unexpected changes in your mental health may impact your ability to participate in the Program. If at any point before or during your Program, you experience mental health challenges that affect your participation, you must inform us as soon as possible. In such cases, we will not provide you with a refund and we will not be responsible for covering the cost of any postponement, curtailment, or cancellation of your Program, or any additional accommodation required, or other associated costs incurred by you. However, we will offer the following options, where possible and subject to availability:

(a) Postponing your Program to a later date due to unforeseen mental health circumstances. We will notify you of any impact on the Program Fee the postponement may have. Please note that you may have to pay full cancellation charges on some elements of your program, as well as any increase in costs imposed by other providers or suppliers;

(b) Canceling your Program, in which case we shall provide you with a Lifetime Credit.

8.3 Unforeseen Physical Medical Conditions
We understand that unforeseen medical emergencies can arise and may affect your ability to participate in the Program.  In such instances, we will offer the following options, where possible and subject to availability:

(a) postponing your Program to a later date due to unforeseen physical health circumstances. We will notify you of any impact on the Program Fee the postponement may have. Please note that you may have to pay full cancellation charges on some elements of your program, as well as any increase in costs imposed by other providers or suppliers;

(b) Canceling your Program, in which case we shall provide you with a Lifetime Credit.

8.4 We will have no liability for any refunds, compensation, costs, damages, expenses or other losses of any kind incurred by you (including, where applicable, the cost of medical treatment), in the following circumstances:

(i) If you are diagnosed with an illness, mental health condition, or other medical condition that requires medical treatment, quarantine, or self-isolation.

(ii) You fail any tests, checks, or other measures imposed by the Host Organization, supplier, airline, port or airport, border control authority, or other government body or local authority, or fail to submit for testing or assessment when requested to do so, and, as a result, you are denied entry to board the flight, entry to the destination, access to the Program, or are otherwise unable to proceed with the Program, or part thereof.

(iv) If you experience the sudden illness or death of a family member.

In such instances, please notify us without delay, and we will provide as reasonable assistance as we can in the circumstances. However, we will not provide you with a refund and we will not be responsible for covering the cost of any postponement, curtailment, or cancellation of your Program, or any additional accommodation required, or other associated costs incurred by you. You must ensure you have insurance that covers these costs for you, as set out in section 14.


9. Your Obligations

9.1 Pursuant to clauses 4.1, 5.3(i) and this clause 9.1, upon payment of your Initial Deposit, you agree to use best endeavors to fully cooperate with us in finding you a suitable internship before your Placement Deadline. In the event that you are deemed, in our absolute and sole discretion, not to be cooperative, we reserve the right to consider your Program as being canceled by you and we shall reserve the right to retain your Initial Deposit.  You may, at our absolute discretion, rejoin the Program on the condition that you agree to fully cooperate in the internship placement process.
Non-cooperation shall include, without limitation: Not actively communicating with us; missing scheduled internship interviews; Unreasonably refusing internships that are offered to you.

9.2  It is your responsibility to be aware of the Host Organization’s business hours and any national holidays or other events that may affect your Program. Different Host Organizations have different requirements, and it is your responsibility to ascertain any such policies prior to accepting your Program.

9.3 Flights are not included in the cost of any of our Programs and it is your sole responsibility to arrange flights. We cannot be held responsible for any action, omission, negligence or event relating to the purchase or operation of flight tickets or flights, nor shall we be responsible for any loss, damage, costs, other expense or refunds, due to changes, cancellations or delays in flights.

9.4 It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of all necessary travel documentation (including passports, vaccination certificates, visas and any other required documentation applicable to the country to which you are travelling), before your Commencement Date. We cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport, or into any country, due to failure on your part to be in possession of the correct documentation. If failure to have any necessary travel or other documents results in costs, expenses, fines, surcharges or other financial penalty being imposed on or incurred by us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us for any and all such costs.

9.5   If you have any medical condition, disability, reduced mobility or religion and/or belief which may affect your Program, please inform us in writing before you book your Program with us so that we can advise as to the suitability of you chosen arrangements. Please also advise us of any change to, or the development of, any medical condition, disability or change of mobility which may affect your Program and which occurs after you book your Program.

9.6 In the case of a virtual internship conducted online via the internet, if you wish to spend time outside of your home country or jurisdiction during the internship, then you have sole responsibility for ensuring your legal eligibility to perform your internship in your destination, and for any tax or immigration matters which may arise from performing your internship in any given jurisdiction.


10. Force Majeure

Except where otherwise expressly stated in these terms and conditions, we regret we cannot accept liability or pay compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our obligations under our Agreement with you is prevented, or affected by – or you otherwise suffer any damage, loss or expense of any nature as a result of – an event of Force Majeure.

In these Terms and Conditions, Force Majeure means any event which we or the Host Organization or supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such events are likely to include: (whether actual or threatened) war, civil unrest, riot, industrial disputes, terrorist activity or its consequences, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, flood, epidemics and pandemics, health risks, unforeseeable technical problems with transport, adverse weather conditions, volcanic eruption, airport, port or airspace closure restriction or congestion, flight or other travel restrictions advised or imposed by any government, regulatory authority or other third party, sanctions and any other action from any governments, and all other events outside our control.

Very rarely, we may be forced to change or terminate your Program after your Commencement Date as a result of unavoidable and extraordinary events. In this very unusual situation, we regret we cannot make any refunds (except where we are able to obtain refunds from providers/suppliers), or pay any compensation, or be responsible for any loss, damage, costs or expenses incurred by you as a result.


11. Experiencing Problems, and termination of Program after the Commencement Date

11.1 We want you to enjoy a worry-free Program. Should you experience any problems while participating in our Program, you must immediately inform us in writing (by email), with a clear explanation of the problem. In such an event, we will discuss the problem with you and will discuss ways in which the problem can be solved. We shall not bear any responsibility unless your problem is communicated to us in writing, by email. You agree to discuss any problems with your Program with our staff prior to any discussion with your internship Host Organization.

11.2 In the event that your Host Organization wishes to terminate your placement prior to the end of your Program for whatever reason (including, without limitation, due to performance issues, misconduct or prolonged and/or repeated absence), we will not be liable for any refunds, compensation, costs or other expenses incurred by you as a result and we are under no obligation to provide another placement and/or Program. In such cases, you will also be required to leave the provided accommodation within two days of being informed to do so, by us.

11.3 In the event that you wish to terminate your placement with the Host Organization prior to the end of the Program for whatever reason, you must provide us with written notice, by email, clearly stating the reasons for your decision. We will not be liable for any refunds, compensation, costs or other expenses incurred by you, as a result – and we are under no obligation to provide another placement and/or Program. In such cases, you will also be required to leave the provided accommodation within two days of being informed to do so, by us.


12. Safety and Damage

12.1 You are responsible for your own safety during the Program and, subject to clause 7, neither we nor the Host Organization shall be responsible or liable for any sickness, loss, damage, expense or hazard encountered during the Program.

12.2  You will be held responsible and liable for any damage caused to the Host Organization’s and/or accommodation provider’s premises during your Program. It is your sole responsibility to ensure you purchase personal liability insurance prior to your Commencement Date sufficient to cover your risks in this regard.

12.3 Pursuant to clauses 12.1 and 12.2 you shall be liable for any missing or damaged items or for any additional cleaning or repair charges to the Host Organization’s and/or accommodation provider’s premises and you agree to pay these charges in full to us, the Host Organization, or the accommodation provider within 14 days of finishing the Program.

12.4 In the case of a virtual internship conducted online, you are responsible for choosing the location(s) from which you conduct the internship and any related online activities, and you are responsible for ensuring the health and safety conditions of your environment. We do not organize or sanction any in-person engagement with the Host Organization of a virtual/online internship, and we are not responsible for any hazard encountered during any such engagement.


13. Complying with rules, applicable laws, and acting responsibly

13.1 In the event that you do not comply with (i) our rules and/or policies; or (ii) the rules and/or policies of the Host Organization; or (iii) the rules and/or policies of the accommodation; or (iv) any Applicable Laws; then we reserve the right to terminate our Agreement in accordance with clause 5.3(iii) and you will be required to leave the provided accommodation within two days of being informed to do so by us.

13.2 You agree to take full responsibility and liability for your conduct at all times during the Program. You agree not to act irresponsibly or put yourself or others in danger.

13.3 We will consider our Agreement with you as being terminated by you and we shall not be liable for any refunds, compensation, damage, loss, cost or other expense incurred by you in the event that we, in our absolute and sole discretion, determine that you have, or are suspected or are found to have bullied or harassed other Participants or other persons attending or employed by the Host Organization or accommodation provider; are suspected or are found to have behaved in an anti-social or unreasonable behavior or displayed unfit conduct towards other Participants  and/or other persons attending or employed by the Host Organization or accommodation provider or our suppliers; have taken any illegal substance; or have taken excessive unexplained absence from your internship. Subject to this clause 13.3, you will be required to leave the provided accommodation within two days of being informed to do so by us.


14. Insurance

14.1 You are responsible for ensuring that you have purchased adequate insurance prior to your Commencement Date, sufficient to cover you for the duration of the Program including travel, health, medical and accident insurance.

14.2 Even if you have insurance coverage through another party, such as your university or your visa sponsor, you remain responsible for ensuring that the coverage is sufficient.

14.3 It is your responsibility to ensure that you take all relevant insurance documents with you to the destination country.


15. Confidentiality

15.1 You agree that you shall not at any time during this Agreement, and for the maximum period permitted under Applicable Law, disclose to any person any confidential information concerning any business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of ours or of the Host Organization, except as permitted by clause 15.2.

15.2 You may disclose our or the Host Organization’s confidential information: (i) to our or the Host Organization’s employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising our/their rights or carrying out our/its obligations under or in connection with this Agreement; and (ii) as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.

15.3 You shall not use our or the Host Organization’s confidential information for any purpose other than to exercise your rights and perform your obligations under or in connection with this Agreement.

15.4 Pursuant to this clause 15 and, where required by the Host Organization, you may be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to this effect.


16. Mandatory Disclosures

16.1 You shall be responsible for declaring all or any relevant facts to us prior to booking your Program and to any party that facilitates and/or provides all or part of your Program or any services that enable you to take part in your Program. We reserve the right to advise as to the suitability of any Program or country based on the information that you have disclosed to us, which may include us advising against you selecting a particular program and/or country. We shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or other expense incurred by you as a result of your failure to disclose any relevant facts to us or our service providers.

16.2 You must inform us of any travel abroad or any other unavailability of your passport for visa processing during the four weeks prior to the Commencement Date. You must inform us of any unavailability of your passport during this period at least two months before the Commencement Date. We cannot be held responsible for additional costs for express processing, postage, submission in person by our staff, or delay or cancellation of program due to your failure to inform us of any such details.


17. Hiring Bonus

17.1  If your internship Host Organization hires you as an employee or contractor within 18 months after the end of your internship, then we will pay you a hiring bonus of US$250 (or an equivalent amount in your currency), subject to the following conditions:

       a. You must submit proof of employment to us in the form of a signed offer letter, within the first 90 days of your employment,

       b. Your employer must fulfill all of its obligations under its agreement with us,

       c. You must specify a bank account in which to receive your bonus,

       d. Your host organisation is not registered as an NGO or charity,

       e. Your host organisation signed 'TIG Company Partner Agreement' during or after 2022.

17.2  Upon satisfaction of the above conditions, we will pay the bonus to you within 30 days.

17.3  You have sole responsibility for any fees, taxes, or other obligations resulting from you receiving this bonus.

17.4  This bonus is a one-time rebate against the program fee that you previously paid to us; you are not our employee or contractor.

17.5  We are not responsible or liable for any aspect of any relationship you may have with your Host Organization after or outside of your Programs, including but not limited to your compensation, working hours & conditions, taxes, any harm or damage which may occur in connection with your employment, and the legality of your employment. It is the responsibility of you and your employer to ensure that all aspects of your relationship are satisfactory to both parties and are compliant with all applicable laws.


18. Data protection and privacy

18.1 Our privacy policy sets out how we process personal information in connection with you and your Program.

18.2 Subject to our privacy policy, we may contact any educational institution in which you are currently or were previously enrolled, in order to inform them about your participation in the Program. Participants’ information will also be shared with one or more Host Organizations during the placement process, in accordance with our privacy policy and so that we can comply with our obligations as part of our Agreement with you. If your school or your potential Host Organization is located in the USA, then you consent to the transfer of your data into the USA for the purposes mentioned above.

18.3 It is possible that photographs and/or video footage of Participants may be taken for use in our promotional material, social media and/or website. In booking a Program with us and, unless you tell us otherwise, you consent to us using any such photographs or video without charge (whether current or in the future). Where it is practical to do so, we will seek the consent of any Participants who are prominently included in any shots. Consent will not generally be sought from Participants who only appear in the background and are not identifiable. All intellectual property rights shall belong to us.

18.4 Our privacy policy includes provisions for your being able to contact us to withdraw your consent to any further such use, as from receipt of your notice to that effect.


19. General

19.1 A person who is not a party to the Agreement shall not have any rights under or in connection with it by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the “Act”) but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists, or is available, apart from the Act.

19.2 The rights of the parties to terminate, rescind or agree any variation, waiver or settlement under the Agreement is not subject to the consent of any person that is not a party to this agreement.

19.3 If any provision or part-provision of the Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this Agreement. If any provision or part-provision of this Agreement is deleted under this clause 19(c) the parties shall negotiate in good faith to agree a replacement provision that, to the greatest extent possible, achieves the intended commercial result of the original provision.

19.4 This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

19.5 Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

20. Variation

We reserve the right to vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Your Program will be subject to the Terms and Conditions applicable at the time that our Agreement with you was formed.


Website Terms of Use

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes. It does not constitute a guarantee or promise of eligibility or admission to any program, internship, or other service organized by The Intern Group. Nothing on this website should be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances.

Certain parts of this website link to other websites, and other websites may link to this website. The Intern Group is not responsible for the content of any third-party website.

By accessing The Intern Group’s website, you agree that you may only download the content for your own personal non-commercial use. Except where stated otherwise, you are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way the content of these web pages for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of The Intern Group.