Engineering Internships in Tokyo
International engineering internships in Tokyo are the perfect way to hone key skills while simultaneously enhancing your CV and developing a network.
Depending on their specific sector of engineering, interns gain experience in everything from design and research to testing and production.
Apply to a Tokyo engineering internship today to explore a new location and get your foot in the door of this competitive industry.
Our alumni have interned at 3,000+ organizations including:

Typical roles for a Tokyo engineering internship
Here are a few examples of roles that our engineering interns in Japan have taken on before:
Data Engineering
Data is a popular and rapidly growing field in the world of engineering. Engineers in many different areas utilize data in their day-to-day work, and experience handling this data is incredibly valuable. Interns will have the opportunity to learn the basics of collecting and organizing data, and may also take part in data analyses and reviews.
Software Engineering
Software engineers are always in high demand, not only for their abilities to code but also for their logical and methodical solution-driven perspectives. Interns will have the opportunity to assist in the development of websites and mobile apps, deploy bug fixes, track platform performance, and much more.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering skills are widely applicable and can be used in everything from robotics and construction to the automotive industry. Interns with a mechanical engineering background may take on tasks including creating tests for new products, as well as conducting quality testing on existing products, drafting designs, and product assembly.
Civil Engineering
Civil engineers typically work with both private-owned and government-owned enterprises to build parking lots, roads, bridges, etc. Interns may have the opportunity to learn how to draft project plans, conduct testing, and maintenance, as well as work with a variety of internal and external stakeholders.
Join our 15,000+ global alumni network
Watch the internship experience below from some of The Intern Group alumni to see what an engineering internship will be like for you.

The engineering industry
Engineering is an incredibly diverse field that is always evolving and changing. It’s the perfect industry for those with analytical minds and high problem-solving acumen. Of course, there are several different kinds of engineering, and each requires a particular set of skills, experience, and academic knowledge. Internships in engineering in Tokyo present the ideal way to begin developing strong foundational skills that can be applied throughout the industry while making professional connections.
Learn more about our engineering internships in Tokyo
Working abroad is a great opportunity for students and aspiring professionals to complete an engineering internship and get ahead of the curve. Learning from industry thought leaders and working in top engineering companies allows interns to gain a unique perspective into the professional working environment. This is the perfect opportunity for your professional and personal growth, as all of our interns are placed with top-tier organizations. Learn more about our Tokyo internship program here.
Apply online
Complete our simple application form and tell us about your passions, qualifications, and experiential requirements.
If your interview is successful, confirm your enrollment with a tuition deposit.
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