Whether studying for a big test or working on an important project for an internship abroad, nobody wants to work for longer than they have to. That’s why it’s important to be as productive and efficient as possible in the time set aside for work or studies. Your work productivity can be affected by many things: state of mind, diet, hours slept, and especially, your environment.
If you’re going to maximize your work output, you’ve got to have the ideal workspace established, which is why we compiled this handy list of the ten things you need to make the most productive home office space possible.
1) The sound of silence.
Sorry guys, but your favorite music is probably not the best thing to accompany your studies or work. According to one study, music playing in the background slowed students writing an essay down by an average of 60 words per hour. Even solely instrumental music had this effect, debunking the myth that music without lyrics is less distracting.
2) Solitude.
As much fun as it is to have your best friend next to you while you're prepping for an exam or assembling a presentation, they will probably be more of a distraction than a help. Now, if they are working on a similar project and they have good study habits, an exception can be made. Still, overall, if you want to be more productive, you’ve got to do it solo to limit distractions.
3) Limited access to social media accounts.
Social media is a major distraction – not only in a work or study space. We know it might be difficult, but we suggest you sign out of your social media accounts when you study. If you must check social media, give yourself a 5-minute break every hour as a reward for being so focused on your work. If you have very little willpower, the Google Chrome extension “StayFocusd” is designed specifically to restrict how much time you spend on your favorite sites. Whether it’s Facebook, Buzzfeed, or YouTube, you tell the site how much time you would like to be allowed on each site daily! Goodbye, procrastination!
4) No phone, or a silenced phone.
We’ve got some bad news. As fun as it is to Snapchat your best friend while buried in your studies, you are wasting time that you could be using to get work done. In fact, a study by CareerBuilder found that more than half of those surveyed mentioned smartphones as the biggest distraction at work. If you can learn early on to turn off or silence your phone while you’re working, it will make you a more focused, more productive and therefore a more valuable employee.
5) Drinks.
Staying hydrated is important for your health, so make sure you have a bottle of water while you study. Some studies even have said that drinking water increases academic ability. Coffee is another popular drink proven to increase energy levels, so don’t forget your thermos full of your favorite cup of joe.
6) Brain food.
Wholegrains, blueberries, tomatoes, blackcurrant, pumpkin seeds and nuts are all proven to benefit the brain and increase brain function. Eat these as a snack when working, instead of candy or chips, next time you want a little food for thought.
7) A clean space, free from clutter.
A cluttered work space can actually increase stress levels and make it harder to concentrate. Whether you are working at home, at the office or in a library, keep your desk clean as much as you can to improve your focus.
8) A comfortable temperature.
You want to be comfortable when you’re putting your brain to work, so try to set up your workstation at a temperature that suits you. Also, it’s a good idea to dress in layers so you can always put on or take off clothing to adjust to the temperature.
9) Good lighting.
Poor lighting can strain your eyes and even cause headaches while you’re working. Moreover, dark lighting can cause drowsiness, so you'll be less focused on getting your work done. A workspace where there is lots of natural light is ideal.
10) A comfortable chair.
Having a good, ergonomic chair will give you the support your spine needs and will be conducive to a good work ethic. Slouching on the couch is bad for your back and the design doesn’t support work efficiency. Not only will investing in a proper home office chair help you feel more productive, but it can also encourage good posture, preventing back problems in the future.