Living and interning abroad is a unique and exciting experience, but there are a few downsides. Homesickness is among them. It’s an annoying little bug that can creep up on you and bite you hard when you least expect it. Homesickness is something, whether they admit it or not, almost everyone experiences when they move abroad. We, humans, are creatures of habit, and throwing ourselves head-first into a new environment, although a fantastic experience, can occasionally feel a bit scary, but don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world.
There are plenty of tricks and tips to stop feeling homesick.
How to deal with homesickness:
Cure #1: Talk to your family
This is best done on Skype while you’re cuddled up in your room, wrapped in a blanket. You could even plan to eat a meal together with your family if the time difference isn’t too bad. You’ll get a sense of being together at the dinner table with Mom and Dad, even if you’re thousands of miles away. We also recommend creating a family WhatsApp or Facebook group so everyone can contribute messages about their day, keeping the family on the same page, or organizing a call home once a week to ensure you still feel connected to your home and family.
Cure #2. Eat comfort food from home
Food has a powerful effect on our emotions and is one of the most important elements of any culture. Cook one of the dishes your Mom and Dad always made for you back home and you’ll get a literal taste of home that will make you feel warm and comforted, like you're getting a big hug!
Cure #3. Listen to your hometown radio station
Thanks to online streaming and smartphone apps, there are lots of ways to listen to radio stations from back home using the internet. Listening to a station from your home city will trick your brain into feeling like you’re back home, listening to the local traffic report, breaking news, and local music.
Cure #4. Go out with a friend who feels the same way
Bonding over mutual feelings of homesickness will connect you to another person abroad, forming a special bond. It’s good to have people who can relate to your homesickness, even if you’re from different places. You can talk about the people and things you miss, feel sorry for yourselves for a moment, and then make plans for what exciting thing you’re going to do next. Talking to someone about it who can relate will help you push past any negative feelings. They can probably give you some extra advice on how to deal with homesickness too!

Cure #5. Exercise
Although sometimes going out and doing some exercise can feel like a horrendous thought, when you could alternatively sit in bed, watch Netflix, and veg out, it is a great way to combat homesickness. Exercise can genuinely change the way you feel about a situation. It releases endorphins which make you feel happier and subsequently much more positive. This positive attitude will then oust any feelings of homesickness. A great way to motivate yourself is to sign up for a sports team, gym, or class with a friend because then it can also be a fun, social activity and you’ll be more likely to get up and go. Alternatively, you can keep it simple and go for a walk or a run around the neighborhood.
Cure #6. Distract yourself
Plan an exciting day exploring the city or organize a day trip with some of your friends to distract yourself from feelings of homesickness. When you’re out and about doing lots of fun and exciting things you won’t even have time to be homesick or to think about home at all! But remember not to let yourself burn out by focusing too hard on work or jumping from one activity to the next without taking time out to rest and recharge.
Cure #7. Write about it
Another strategy is to use a pen, or your laptop, to work through the homesickness. One effective writing exercise is to make a list of reasons why you’re exactly where you need to be, even though you’re homesick. For example, “I’m homesick and wish I was home, but I’m exactly where I need to be because… I am earning professional experience, I am getting to know a new culture, I’m improving my Spanish, etc.” It will help you reframe your situation. It's good to think back to why you decided to take this incredible opportunity in the first place to prevent demotivation. Think about all of the skills you’re learning, people you’re meeting and the amazing new culture you’re experiencing!
Cure #8. Create a nice environment
One of the great things about The Intern Group is that all of your accommodation is organized for you. This being said, once you have been shown your room, you can start decorating it and making it a homely environment that you can relax in after work. Having a space in which you feel comfortable and at home will help curb any feelings of homesickness. You can even put up photos from back home to make your new room feel like a home away from home.
Now you know how you should be dealing with homesickness, apply now for an international internship and fantastic adventure!