You've finally gotten your dream job! You've worked hard for your internship abroad and you've secured that position you've been longing for. Unfortunately, you're sharing your workspace with someone you can't stand!
Whether they're not keeping appropriate office etiquette or you just don't vibe with each other, a difficult coworker can put a dampener on your professional high.
Here are our top tips for dealing with a difficult colleague in the workplace:
1. Always stay calm.
The most important thing to do in this situation in the workplace is to stay calm. Having an outburst and shouting at your colleague may make it look like you are the problem employee and you may see your dreams of a full-time position fly out the window. Maintaining a calm and polite persona, even during difficult conversations, will keep you looking professional and will show your boss that you know how to handle yourself. If you feel yourself getting irritated with your coworker, take deep breaths or take a short walk until you calm down and then take on the situation with a clear head.
2. Try and understand where your coworker is coming from.
It may be difficult, but trying to understand the reasoning behind some of your colleague’s behavior may help you to begin to get along with them. There’s always a reason why people act in strange ways. Maybe they're nervous, homesick, or struggling at work. If they're copying your work, for example, maybe it’s because they don’t know exactly what to do. Try to be considerate and helpful, ask how they are, or if they need help. At the very least this will make you look good to your boss. You can also invite them out for lunch. This may seem counterintuitive if they're irritating you, but you may find that they're completely different outside your work environment.
3. Avoid complaining about it to your colleagues.
Although it may be tempting, don't complain about your situation to other colleagues, even if you’re friends with them. This will give other people in the office a bad impression of you. You don’t want to come across as the office gossip! It also may make other colleagues distrust you. You don’t want others to think that you will be negative about them behind their back as well. One of the biggest benefits of an international internship with The Intern Group is the fantastic contacts you make. Ensure you don’t jeopardize this by putting forward a negative image of yourself.

4. Rant about it.
Although you should never rant to other colleagues, sometimes it’s healthy to rant about your frustrations to someone outside of work. It may release some of the irritation and allow you to let some of it go. Just make sure that it’s a friend or family member who has no way of accidentally passing on anything you’ve said back to the office. They may also have a few more tips for you on how to deal with difficult coworkers.
5. Try and get some space.
As much as it’s nice to think that all your issues can be solved by trying to understand and accept her behavior, sometimes it is just too much. When you start to feel like this, get some space away from them. Maybe during lunch, you could see if other people from the office are going out and join them. Have a wander and grab a coffee or a quick snack. Fresh air can do a world of good by putting you in a positive mindset.
6. Ask questions.
If you're being asked questions that make you feel uncomfortable, ask questions of your own to divert attention. Ask questions about their life. People love to talk about themselves, and if they're talking, they're not asking you any awkward personal questions. You may even find out that you’re quite similar. You're doing the same internship or job, so you must have some common interests. Another great use of questions is to deflect when you see them doing something you find awkward like staring at your computer. When they do it, why not ask if they need any help? This will show, subtly and calmly, that you notice their behavior.
7. Look for the positive.
Everyone is different, if we were all the same, the world would be a very dull place. It’s important to have people in your life that push you in different ways, they can help you grow. There’s something positive about everyone, try to look at your colleague in this way. It sounds cheesy but everyone can teach you something.
You’re never going to like everyone you meet at work, even if it’s your dream job. But don’t let it ruin your experience. Understanding how to deal with difficult coworkers is an important part of everyday working life. It can help you grow personally and professionally. Mastering the skill of dealing with difficult people will be helpful again and again, throughout the rest of your working life.
Now that you know how to handle a difficult coworker, click here to start your career with an international internship!