Getting your start in the global workforce can be challenging. The barriers students and young professionals face are different around the world. There’s no denying that some people face bigger challenges when it comes to international travel and work experience than others. That’s one of the reasons The Intern Group offers remote internships for talent from developing countries to gain hands-on professional experience.
What is a remote internship?
A remote internship is, in short, remote work. They are an excellent way to enhance your CV and begin building a career, from anywhere in the world.
Whether you’re hoping to someday launch your own company in your home country, or you aspire to live and work abroad, an internship is the perfect way to get started.
Remote internships are excellent opportunities for students and young professionals of all backgrounds. No matter your level or field of study, a hands-on internship with a prestigious global company is a sure way to push you in the direction of a successful career.
Most industries and nearly all major corporations and organizations have an international component. If you look at top companies like Google, Apple, or Microsoft, you’ll see they hire experts from around the globe. For example, Microsoft has employees in over 100 countries, and its headquarters in the United States boasts a diverse and well-rounded workforce.

What is a developing country?
Keep in mind that terms like “developing country” and “developed country” can be controversial, because they don’t explain the historical context, and can make it seem like certain countries are better than others when it comes to career success, without taking into account the factors that brought them there. Some people may prefer to use alternative terms such as “industrialized” and “non-industrialized nations,” or “emergent nations.” These countries, also known as emerging markets, are nations with younger economies, usually categorized by lower gross domestic product, or GDP.
Many economists and other experts agree that globalization has a positive impact on the economies of developing countries. In some cases, globalization increases job opportunities, frees up trade, and can help address issues like poverty and educational inequity.
One positive outcome of globalization is that students and professionals can live and study all over the world – geographic location is no longer a limiting factor. International work experience is more accessible than ever. Students and young professionals from as far and wide as Angola, Peru, Rwanda, and India can intern with elite organizations from major economies.
Where to find remote internships if I live in a developing country?
Remote internships available in developing countries are many and varied, and they aren’t restricted by anything other than access to a stable internet connection.
The Intern Group places interns from hundreds of countries around the world. One of our most successful partnerships is with Aga Khan University in Pakistan. Through that partnership, medical students from Pakistan take on full-time internships abroad. The goal is to expand access to international education and to encourage cross-cultural immersion and understanding.
Check out the experience of two Pakistani students who took on internships abroad:
What are the benefits of remote internships if I live in a developing country?
Research has revealed that a large percentage of businesses in the United States alone have had issues growing internationally because they needed employees with more international experience. Additionally, CEOs and founders often find that recent graduates don’t have enough real-world experience or international perspective when they apply for their first job.
There is, of course, one final benefit to global experience. And that’s the chance to develop friendships and professional connections. The professional benefits of building a global network are obvious. But international friendships are also incredibly beneficial. You’ll learn about another culture first hand, and maybe even get to learn a new language! Check out these 7 benefits of making friends from around the world.

Can I get a remote internship without experience if I live in a developing country?
There are a wide variety of opportunities for those who haven’t yet finished their degree, or who don’t have any prior professional experience. Remember, you don’t have to be an expert in order to get an internship. The point of these placements is to gain experience and to prepare yourself for your future career. Many internships focus on developing transferable skills and depending on where you’re from, internships can also be an opportunity to hone your English language skills in a professional setting.
Can I get a remote internship at any age if I live in a developing country?
Remote internships are also a great choice for talent in a diverse range of life stages. As a high school student, a remote internship allows you to gain experience while you’re still in school. University students, whether in their home countries or studying abroad, tend to be highly focused on gaining professional experience. People who want a career change can swap industries through an internship. A remote internship is a perfect way to ensure your employability.
In what industries can I do a remote internship if I live in a developing country?
The Intern Group’s remote internship program offers professional placements in every career field you can think of. From marketing to data science and everything in between, we’ve got excellent opportunities! These include placements with nonprofit organizations, finance internships, and of course the most popular program: Business.
No matter where in the world you live, a remote internship could allow you to gain work experience with firms in London, Hong Kong, or New York!
How do remote internships benefit local communities in a developing country?
The rise of virtual work not only makes a professional experience more accessible but also serves to bridge the skills gap that exists in the developing world. When talented workers in emerging economies are able to develop and apply professional skills in a corporate setting, it benefits both their communities and the companies that hire them.
Today, virtual placements are smashing barriers like visas and geographic location and allowing people from just about anywhere in the world to gain professional experience and mobility, without being forced to relocate.
This allows countries and communities to keep talent at home, growing their own local economies without losing top-tier workers to other parts of the world. Companies in all sectors are operating at higher rates in developing countries, and it benefits them hugely to have local, on-the-ground talent when it comes to training, working with distributors, and speaking the local language.
What impact does global experience have when looking for a job?
It’s a well-established fact that international experience is beneficial. And that’s true no matter where you’re from – whether you call London home or Mogadishu.
Studies from around the world show that nearly 100% of college students who study abroad are offered employment within a year of graduation. And, even better, those with international experience are likely to have a higher income than their peers. International exposure also leads to increased maturity, self-confidence, and ability to handle ambiguity.
All in all, a remote internship can be a great next step, at any stage of your career and anywhere in the world. Apply now to book a consultation call with the Admissions Team, get personalized guidance and take the leap!